Give to FJI
By Mail
Send checks to:
Florida Justice Institute
40 NW Third Street
Suit 200
Miami, FL, 33128
Employee Giving
FJI’s Employee Giving Program empowers employees from companies throughout the state of Florida to support our mission by raising funds for FJI.
Importance of Employee Giving
According to philanthropic company YourCause:
Providing employees the opportunity to engage with their philanthropic passions reduces employee turnover. In fact, employees who are engaged in corporate philanthropy are 32% less likely to leave the company compared to their unengaged counterparts.
Additionally, employees expect more from their employer than ever before. 64% of employees say that opportunities to support causes and issues they care about are as important as wellness programs or tuition reimbursements.
Workplace Campaigns
Companies can choose a month where employees pledge a portion of their payroll to FJI. During this campaign, FJI staff will support the appropriate contact with campaign messaging, and administratively. The month chosen can be 6 to 12 months out to ensure momentum.
In honor of September Service Month, your company or organization may want to organize a Charity Run, Walk, or even a week filled with fund activities including a bake sale, treasure sale, air-hockey, corn-hole, and auction to raise funds for FJI.
Many companies choose to develop a Jeans for Charity Program. This program encourages employees to wear jeans once a month and donate to FJI in exchange. What a fun way to give employees a break from usual business attire!
Employee Giving initiatives are NOT limited to the ones listed above. We are happy to chat with you to see what a good fit for your team may be.
Corporate Sponsorship and Cause Marketing
Corporate Sponsorship
Annual Corporate Sponsorship opportunities allow us to continue our mission, and work on under-funded issues. Download our corporate sponsorship opportunities here.
Cause Marketing Initiatives
Connecting your company with a good cause makes your consumers and employees feel good about themselves because they know your company cares about philanthropy.
According to the latest Cone Communications CSR Study:
- 93% of consumers have a more positive image of a product or company when it supports a cause they care about
- 83% wish more of the products, services, and retailers they use would support causes
- 63% would tell their friends and family about a company’s corporate social responsibility efforts
Here are ways you may want to contribute to FJI:
- Designate a percentage or amount (e.g. 15% or $1) from each item sold to be donated to FJI.
- Choose FJI to be the recipient of donations made during a campaign. Create an email or social media campaign that promises to donate a certain monetary amount to FJI for every share, like, post, tweet, etc.
With your tax-deductible contribution, we can amplify the impact of our efforts and create positive change on a larger scale.
View our Donor Bill of Rights