The FJI Legacy Society enables us to express our appreciation and recognize donors for the charitable plans they have made.  Your legacy will inspire others to follow and sustain Florida Justice Institute’s mission to improve the lives of Florida’s poor and disenfranchised residents, while focusing on criminal justice reform, homelessness & poverty, disability access, and other civil rights issues.

Legacy Society members are individuals and/or couples who have taken any of the following steps to provide for planned gifts of any size to Florida Justice Institute:

  • Informed Florida Justice Institute of their plans to make a bequest to benefit Florida Justice Institute through their will, living trust, or estate plan;
  • Informed Florida Justice Institute that they have designated in writing Florida Justice Institute as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy;
  • Established a charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, or charitable lead trust to benefit Florida Justice Institute;
  • Made a gift of a paid-up or in-force life insurance policy with full ownership rights to Florida Justice Institute; 
  • Made a gift of personal residence or farm to Florida Justice Institute with a retained life estate; or
  • Made certain other gifts that may be recognized with Legacy Society membership.

If you are interested in joining the Legacy Society please call or email FJI’s Director of Development & Administration, Sabrina Flores, at 786-342-6909 or

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