FJI condemns state-sanctioned violence against Black communities

We condemn the brutal murder of George Floyd and the countless other Black people who have been victims of police violence and racist oppression.   As we deeply mourn their needless deaths, we recognize that they are only the most recent examples of a deeper current of racialized police brutality that pervades our law enforcement institutions.  They reinforce the need for systemic and structural change that so many people of color and other communities have been fighting for for generations.  We stand in solidarity with them.

We also condemn the brutal and violent tactics that militarized police forces around the country are using against demonstrators seeking to have their voices heard.  We’ve seen protesters beaten, pepper sprayed, tear gassed, and in some cases shot and killed.  We stand in solidarity with them as well, and with everyone working to correct our nation’s legacy of systemic racism.

At FJI, we strive to dismantle modern forms of racist oppression like the prison industrial complex and the criminalization of poverty.  We work with and support people who have been victims of state-imposed violence and the harsh criminal justice policies that have led to mass incarceration.  Our litigation and advocacy is just one form of resistance to these modern-day tools of oppression.

As we mourn the needless death and violence, we are encouraged by the many people taking to the streets demanding justice.  We hope this critical moment marks a shift toward true systemic change.  In the meantime, we will keep fighting for our clients and communities, lifting up their voices during this struggle.

In solidarity,

Dante P. Trevisani

Executive Director

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