FJI Wins Elmer Williams Compassionate Release from Prison

Elmer Williams was a 32-year-old father when he was sentenced to 40 years in prison for a nonviolent burglary. Now 56 years old, he has advanced prostate cancer and only six months to live.  Having successfully won a conditional medical release for Elmer, Florida Justice Institute was able to help him get the medical support he needed upon his release.

Elmer was denied medical care in prison, which caused his cancer to spread to his spine. He is now paralyzed from the waist down. Unable to walk and denied treatment, Elmer has had to drag himself across the filthy prison floor just to use the restroom. His legs and feet are now covered in wounds that have not healed.

In order to bring Elmer home, his family needed a hospital bed, a lift, a ramp, and also funds to help transport him to his medical appointments.

Florida Justice Institute worked hard to help Elmer access the mercy of compassionate release. We want to expand access to compassionate release and work to reform the system so that more families can be granted this mercy and closure.

This blog was first published on November 8, 2022.

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