FJI and ACLU File First Amendment Lawsuit Against Flagler County Jail Over Postcard Poliy

When the Flagler County Jail adopted a policy that required all correspondence sent to inmates to be on postcards—no letters, books, magazines, etc.—FJI, co-counseling with the ACLU of Florida, filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of all persons who have friends or family in the jail and would like to write to them, alleging that the policy violated the First Amendment.  The Sheriff immediately agreed to repeal the policy to allow inmates to receive letters.

1/8/14 UPDATE: The Court has preliminarily approved the proposed settlement and consent decree, certified the class, and has set a fairness hearing for April 29, 2014.  The settlement will not become final until the Court approves it after the hearing.

4/29/14 UPDATE: US District Judge Marcia Morales Howard gave final approval to the Final Consent Decree at the fairness hearing.  No class members objected.  This agreement ensures that the people of Flagler County will be able to enjoy uncensored communication with their loved ones in jail.

Click here to see the official Press Release.

Click here to see press coverage of this case.

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