Florida prison system, under fire, releases data on inmate deaths

Judith Arrascue says she has tried for months to find out what happened to her husband, Luis, a state prison inmate who died at the Lake Butler Reception and Medical Center in April.

On Tuesday, Florida’s Department of Corrections unveiled a new online database of inmate deaths that reveals Arrascue died after he “fell down on the sidewalk’’ outside one of the prison dorms.

His death, the investigative summary says, was accidental. Informed of that finding Tuesday, Arrascue remained suspicious.

Five months after the episode, she said she has no autopsy, no incident report, and no other details from the Department of Corrections, except that her husband’s head “smashed like a watermelon’’ on the concrete pavement.

Read the full article.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/09/09/4338816/florida-prison-system-under-fire.html#storylink=cpy
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