The Older Floridians Handbook
First published by the Florida Justice Institute in 1980, the Older Floridians Handbook: Laws and Programs Affecting Older Floridians explains and describes, in easily understandable language, laws and programs that affect elderly Floridians and their families. The Handbook goes into many subjects that older Floridians may be interested in, including public benefits, health care, wills and estate planning, advance directives, housing, taxation, and more. It includes a particularly useful reference section at the end, listing a wide variety of agency referral contact numbers. With a generous grant from the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the pro bono assistance of several private law firms, FJI has published updated editions in 1988, 1992, 1998, 2007, and 2016, to keep up with rapidly changing developments in the law. It has proven to be an invaluable resource for our State’s seniors and their families, as it provides them with the kind of information they need to be able to live healthy and productive lives.
The sixth and most recent edition, which incorporates important changes made by the Affordable Care Act, is here.